
吠陀哲学 赫密斯 卡巴拉

Bridging science & consciousness

Vedic-sidereal Astrology

Hermetic Principles, Kabbalah

“占星术将会毫无保留地得到心理学的认可,因为占星术代表了古代所有心理学知识的总和。” —C.G.荣格

“Astrology is assured of recognition from psychology, without further restrictions, because astrology represents the summation of all the psychological knowledge of antiquity.”
C.G. Jung

在占星的观点,就像爱因斯坦曾说过,“上帝不会掷骰子。” 事件的发生不是随机的,它是整体系统的一部分。行星与我们从前世带来的业力直接相关。

The astrology suggests as Einstein said " God's not playing with dice . it's not random. there's an event that occurs, there's a whole system around it and the stars are directly related to the karma that you have been handed from past lives


— 赫爾墨斯·特里斯墨吉斯


" True, without error, certain and most true: that which is above is as that which is below, and that which is below is as that which is above for performing the miracles of the one thing and as all things were from one. by the meditation of one so from this one thing come all things by adaptation."

-Hermes Trismegistus-

(Emerald Tablet)

一份好的恒星解读后;你会感觉到开始理解人生,并开始接受当下的自己。占星学的本质是帮助你爱上自己,让你在这场人生的戏里继续你自己的旅程。因为你摆脱不了在这场戏,和设定好的角色。有很多人花了很长的时间独处,他们似乎找不到与外界的共鸣。 他们也许会问自己“我在这里的目的是什么,我人生的意义是什么?“ 如果相信轮回; 那我们为什么要轮回转世?我们转世的目的是为了灵魂层面上的进化,为了不断的在这个梦里醒过来,然后演绎好造物主和自己预先设定好的剧情。但是我们往往忘记了这些。”

I came from the future

I'm also working in the past



Explore the ancient mysteries of astrology and unlock the secrets of the universe on your spiritual journey.