吠陀哲学 赫密斯 卡巴拉
Bridging science & consciousness
Vedic-sidereal Astrology
Hermetic Principles, Kabbalah
“占星术将会毫无保留地得到心理学的认可,因为占星术代表了古代所有心理学知识的总和。” —C.G.荣格
“Astrology is assured of recognition from psychology, without further restrictions, because astrology represents the summation of all the psychological knowledge of antiquity.”
― C.G. Jung
在占星的观点,就像爱因斯坦曾说过,“上帝不会掷骰子。” 事件的发生不是随机的,它是整体系统的一部分。行星与我们从前世带来的业力直接相关。
The astrology suggests as Einstein said " God's not playing with dice . it's not random. there's an event that occurs, there's a whole system around it and the stars are directly related to the karma that you have been handed from past lives
— 赫爾墨斯·特里斯墨吉斯